Monday, July 9, 2012

Scrubbed Paper

I was reading my Alex Powell watercolor book.. He mentioned that he recycled watercolor paper by crubbing off a failed painting in the bathtub with a strong bristled brush.. I have plenty of watercolors that just didn't work out, and paper is expensive (I just paid almost $60 bucks for 15 sheets of A2 hot press watercolor pad.. Thats nearly $4 a sheet).

So I took on of my less than masterpieces and headed for the bathroom.  What the scrubbing did was take of not only the old painting, but also the sizing.  This is a layer sprayed on the paper to make it less absorbant so that the watercolor paint sits on the surface of the paper.

When I reused the paper I got a very interesting effect.. quite rough looking.. The paint just dissapeard into the paper, so had not blending ability at all.

I painted a pic of David Gulpilil from a scene in Baz Lurman's film Australia.. I actually like the result.

The white splatters were done after I finished the painting with China White.

let me know what you think

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

A little bit of colour in my life

I sat down to do some painting last night, and thought to myself that I had been a bit drab in the colour department.... This is probably because I still have a lot to learn about watercolour painting, how the paint behaves, and how to make it do what I want it to do... It also takes a while to find the technique that produces the paintings I want to produce.  By limiting the palette, I can concentrate on tonal values and technique without colour getting in the way..

Anyway.. I wanted to brighten things up a bit... so here you go

What do you think?
til next time

visit me on

Monday, June 25, 2012

Back to watercolors

After playing with acrylics, I decided I would go back to watercolors for a while.  They are such an interesting medium.  As you all know I have a preference for portrait and figure work, so I thought I would play around with watercolors portraits......

these are a few I have done in the past few weeks

Keith Urban, Watercolour on CP

 Alice, Watercolour on CP

James, Watercolor on CP

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Done.. My foray into acrylics.

Well I finally completed my self portrait... it came out OK, but I have to say, Acrylics just aren't oils.  I think I'll keep playing with watercolors for a while... they are proving to be pretty versatile

Anyway... here's my Acrylic self portrait  for all that are interested
all the best

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Time for acrylics

Well, Ive been playing with those watercolours... I like them, but they just aint oils.  Now I've decided to bring out the acrylics and see how they go.  I decided on a portrait... no surprises there, and just so I don't screw up someone elsesw image, I'm doing a self portrait.  Should have it finished in a day or two..

watch this space

Monday, February 13, 2012

Watercolors... Are they coming together

Well.... The watercolor journey continues.  I guess the good news is that I a beginning to like the medium... And I think I can probably work with it pretty well... It does have distinct advantages over oils, not the least of which its easy to clean up after myself... Not to mention that the house doesn't reek of toxic chemicals any more.

I have reread all my watercolor books, and even looked at a few tutorial videos (plus the hundreds... good and bad... of YouTube videos on how to paint in watercolor).. they have all helped, but in the end its just practice, practice, practice until I start to feel comfortable with the work I am doing, and develop my own style.

The other thing I like about watercolors is that my output has increased.. I don't know if this is because of the medium , or because I am painting on small canvases (well CP watercolor block actually).  I can do 2 to 3 paintings in one sitting if the mood is right.  And... they stack really well so I don't end up with a room full of canvases... but I ramble on.

I have reverted to portraits again... I must have a thing about painting people.  Here are a couple I did last night (I have been doing the unthinkable... fan art.. because its easy to find a photo to work off, and I don't have to be embarrassed when I show someone I know a portrait I have done in watercolor when I am not yet happy with the outcome).

Here is last nights effort;

1.   Mick Jagger

2.   Leonard Cohen (in his younger years)


Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Oh its going to be a long road

I'm begoinning to like watercolors.. I especially like how I can set at the dining table and paint and not be a leper in the third bedroom... and no more complaints about the smell.

But its a journey.. its not as easy as it looks.  I bought a tutorial DVD from John  Lovett and started some of the exercises... He makes it look so easy (I suppose that has something to do with being at it for 30 odd years).

His exercises start off pretty simple and get harder, introducing new techniques as he goes.  Its a pretty good tutorial.  The first was to learn basic technique.  Its was of a tap.. yes a tap.  Here is my attempt at a tap.

Compare it to John's original....

I guess I just have to keep trying... I don't have 30 years so I better get crackin hey!

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Summertime in Australia

Well I'm not so sure we have had such a great summer here in Sydney, but I woke up this morning and the cicadas were chirping away in the gum trees in the park across the road from our apartment.  It reminded me of my summers as a boy, in the Australian bush, where the cicadas would carry on with their incessant chirps all summer long.

The other thing I noticed today was how the wind had blown all the gum leaves into a pile in the gutter.... I had never really looked at gum leaves before (just bloody leaves after all), but I had Evie with me and we started to pick some of the best leaves out of the pile.  The colors are beautiful... I hadn't really noticed.  Reds, yellows, browns, even blues and purples.

I took the camera out and we shot some reference photos of piles of leaves.  This is a watercolor I did today of gum leaves... not a really exciting topis, but I just couldn't resist.

Have a great day


Thursday, January 26, 2012

The finding of John Lovett

In my quest to transition from oils to watercolors, I have been surfing the web for handy hints, examples, tutorials and demonstrations of how to paint with the watercolor medium....  Enter John Lovett.. John is a very accomplished artist from Queensland who specialises in watercolor art.  His works are quite exceptional.  And even more importantly, John is happy to share his technique and expertise with the rest of the world.

So watercolors out, brushes out, and lets do a John Lovett tutorial off the web.  I have to admit, I almost gave up halfway through, coz it was just not coming together.... but in the end I finished up with a painting that I am moderately happy with.

So... here is "After John Lovett No 1."

and here is the original tutorial..

Let me know what you think

Friday, January 20, 2012

The time has come

Ever since I was ejected from my studio down the road, I have been set up in a corner of the third bedroom of out apartment.  Anyone who has stayed over would have smelled the sweet smell of oil paint chemicals, turps, thinners, mediums, smelly rags etc.... Well, we have finally decided that this can't be real good for our health, so I have packed away all my oil painting gear until I get a work space that's away from human habitation.

The big question now of course is what medium do I use for my art... Watercolor, Acrylic,.... Digital?  I almost feel like I am back to the drawing board and starting out from scratch.. All that time invested in learning how to use Oils, and now I have to move to another medium.... One thing is for sure.. Don't expect any masterpieces out of me in the very near future.

In the meantime I have  started to dabble in watercolors... A very different medium to oil, and requires a totally different technique.  I will post my progress on the blog I can document my progression, although I won't post any of the works on DeviantArt or my web site until I am convinced they are worthy pieces of art.

These are my first.  Remember, this is the first time I have used watercolors in over 10 years so don't be too harsh :)

The first is of one of the girls at work, from a recent photoshoot to create headshots.  My apologies to gabrielle!

And the second is just out of my head... 

All the best